DBT - Search for novel anticancer bio-actives from the Himalayan mushrooms,
PI Dr. Janardhanan K K (2016-2020)
ICMR - Nonalcoholic and alcoholic liver diseases promote stress resistant mitochondrial
mediated hepatic cellular proliferation: Implication in hepatocellular carcinoma development.
Dr. Achuthan C R (2019-2022)
Technically Approved
ICMR - Analysis on estrogen receptor-β (ERβ) modulation by phytoestrogens of
Saraca asoca (Asoka): Preventive and therapeutic strategy for triple negative breast
(TNBC)PI Dr. T D Babu (2020-2022)
ICMR - Studies on lipid metabolism in Sertoli cells with special focus on sulphated glycolipid metabolism PI
Dr. Suraj K (2020-2023)