• 0487 2304190
  • amalacancerresearch@gmail.com

Dr. Achuthan C. Raghavamenon


Dr. Achuthan C. Raghavamenon

Associate Professor
Department of Biochemistry
Amala Cancer Research Centre
Amala Nagar, Thrissur.


    Identification of dicarboxylic acids from oxidation of peroxidised omega 3 fatty acids and study on its biological efficacy

    The ICMR funded proposal, aimed to identify the auto/enzymatic oxidation products of omega 3 fatty acids and purify the dicarboxylic acid formed in these reactions. The project envisage that the dicarboxylic acid possess anti-inflammatory and anticancer properties.

    Effect of Desmodium gyrans DC. on reverse cholesterol transport: implication in atheroprotection

    The DST funded project expected to achieve purification of molecule that augment reverse cholesterol transport that could be atheroprotective from Desmodium gyrans. In our preliminary studies D. gyrans has showed hypolipidemic efficacy with significant HDL cholesterol enhancing property.

    Effect of Baliospermum montanum in inflammation and oxidative injury

    Based on the conventional use of Baliospermum montanum in enhancing liver metabolism and the preliminary results that revealed its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory potential, further studies are ongoing under KSCSTE financial support to purify the active component and assess their efficacy in chemical induced Hepatocellular carcinogenesis.