• 0487 2304190
  • amalacancerresearch@gmail.com

Dr. Achuthan C. Raghavamenon


Dr. Achuthan C. Raghavamenon

Associate Professor
Department of Biochemistry
Amala Cancer Research Centre
Amala Nagar, Thrissur.


    Mrs. Jeksy Jos Manalil (DST- INSPIRE)

    Over the years a large amount of data has been collected by researchers on medicinal plants. In the wake of such a database, it is imperative that this information be put to further use. We have done so by developing a polyherbal formulation against a silent but prevalent chronic disease-atherosclerosis. Various in vitro and in vivo studies have been carried out to this effect wherein the formulation has been found to be as effective as the commonly prescribed statins but with reduced side-effects. As the benefits of using such herbal formulations have already been time-tested through their practice in Ayurveda, such a move may help to provide a safer alternative in treatment.